Saturday, 20 April 2013

Bee Lining....

I have been self diagnosed with sale obsession! When it comes to shopping I always want to find the best deal and also spend a little and get a lot. Every time I walk into a shop I head straight to the sale section and when there isn't one, well I probably look extremely weird as I walk out two seconds later!
The other day I was in General Pants (my favorite shop!) and I found two paires of Cheap Monday jeans for only $50 (i know, i know...amazing!) they are normally about $90 each! So I was pretty excited when I found these little beauties!
Another fab find of mine these winter boots, I had been looking around for awhile for a new winter shoe because I have been wearing the same pair of Dr Martins for over a year (I am so in love with them) and i was thinking about getting a new pair but they are around $160! But yesterday I found a little boutique selling these boots for $40 they were literally perfect! they have some cool silver studs and have an almost western look! So I got them! I am very excited about them, they are to die for! 
Picadilly Black by Therapy


  1. Love this boots...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. Thankyou!!
      Sure I would love to follow you!
      this is the url to my bloglovin :
      Lovely to meet you!
      Alana xx


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